Friday, November 25, 2011

Follow Friday: Nutfield Genealogy

Well it happened today...  I got a new comment, "Where have ya been?"  Ya, I know it's been a while since my last post.  I'll go through spells. It happens when you have 5 kids and "other" things you want to do, too...  like doing some actual research.  This time of year gets really busy for me, not only because of the holidays, etc.. but its about the beginning of November each year that I start writing up another aspect of my family's history to share with family at Christmas.  It's something I started doing a few years ago, and each year I seem to find some new interesting story to share.  I'm not sure which it will be this year yet... Maybe something about my paternal Great-Great Grandfather who was convicted of murder in the woods of Maine around the turn of the 20th century, in a case that was covered internationally by the press... or maybe it will be how I (actually a friend of mine) was FINALLY able to crack the mystery of my maternal Great Grandmother's birth parents.  At any rate, my time for doing a lot of blogging has been limited, and probably will be for a little bit, so I thought I would share someone else's blog that I often stop by to watch when I have some time...

I first came across Nutfield Genealogy last year when I was doing research for a presenation on social media for genealogy.  What really struck me about this blog were two things.  First, it is updated almost daily, which means its never disappointing to stop by and see what's new.  Secondly, I really enjoyed the posts. While the blog description says its about Nutfield area history genealogy (Derry/Londonderry, NH) there are often posts about other things like general genealogy, Mayflower ancestry, historic sites, etc...

So, if you stop by here and don't notice a new post, take the time to check out Nutfield Genealogy. There's always something new and interesting to read, particularly if you like New England history.


  1. I didn't mean to guilt you or anything! :P This is a busy time of year for most people. I just wanted to make sure you hadn't dropped off the face of the blogosphere or anything.

    That sounds like an interesting story you've got there! The only news coverage I've found of my ancestors was a little blurb in the paper about my great grandmother and some other ladies running a bridge night for charity. :P It was still exciting!

  2. Brian, I just found your blog and this post! Thanks for the mention and the Follow Friday recommendation. Looks like you haven't posted in a while, but I'll be checking back. I love to read about Maine and genealogy.
