Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sorting Saturday

So, I was looking at the Blogging prompts on Genealobloggers this afternoon, and 'lo and behold...  "Sorting Saturday" shows up on the list.  Perfect.

After soccer games this morning, I came home and started my mission. The first step, of course is to get some organization to the chaos that has become my office.  Some work has been successfully accomplished here.  My desk is usable again, though, as usual I have a big basket of genealogy papers to weed through.  But I have a new way to tackle this today.

The old me would try to organize everything in my office into piles.  One pile was typically "Home" related things. Another might be "Work" related.  I often would have a "Music Boosters" pile which contained things related to the High School Music Boosters I volunteer for.  Then I would have a series of genealogy piles.  "Genealogy" itself was just too big a pile to try to keep together, so I would have "Mom's Genealogy" and "Dad's Genealogy" to try to separate things out.  Then, I have to have "Wife's Genealogy"  and of course, "Genealogical Society Papers & Projects."

Then, as I mentioned in a previous post, I would end up so wiped out by the end of it all, everything would get shoved in piles on my desk and worktable, never to be touched (until the next cleaning spree).

Today, I made simple.  Fill a basket.  Empty the basket.  And whatever is being emptied from that basket needs to be taken care of in a way that gets that darned paper out of this office for good.  Well, the basket is almost full, so now I need to figure out how to tackle it.  Wish me luck.

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