Sunday, October 9, 2011

Desk Progress

I realize there has been little genealogy talk on this blog to this point. The reason is I need to get my office into working shape to get moving on this whole project. That's starting to come together now after a good day of organizing and getting my ducks in a row.

I was very focused yesterday on getting my desk to a point that I could tackle the project of scanning & entering all the information I have. One step at a time, right?

So yesterday, I was focused enough to make some good progress on my desk and I thought I would share the before/after photos again, if for nothing else, to pat myself on the back a bit.  I know it's nothing spectacular, but I hope to be able to look at this 3 months, 6 months, a year from now and really show people how it all started.  Thanks for listening...



So, a couple of things to note...  If you read the earlier post with all the before pictures, you may remember I said there was a printer under that stack of papers in the foreground of the first picture.  Now you can see I wasn't lying :)

This is just my desk, though.  Good progress, but you'll notice there are still a bunch of sticky notes lining my monitor. To the right of the monitor are a bunch of bills which are paper. They will be around for a while (but now I can find them to pay them on time :).  On the wall there is a basket that also have papers, which I will get to sometime shortly, but for now they are out of the way and I need to to organizing some genealogy files!


  1. Brian, please show us an after photo, too! I wish you success with your good beginning.

  2. Hey, the after photo appeared. I think I posted my comment before the page finished loading. Gosh, you made great progress. Your desk looks so clean and ready to go. Great job!

  3. Awesome job, Brian . . . I am going thru the exact same thing as I type this! I am attacking a pile a day and happy to say . . . I am making progress and will soon be able to sit at my desk and actually do research! Thank you for sharing and the motivation!
